

How to take a van from HongKong airport to Shenzhen















速度可以說是最快的,可以從香港機場直達深圳蛇口碼頭或是福永碼頭,而且還不需入境香港。(對想帶菸的民眾相當有利) 但若你的目的地是要去深圳福田區,或是坂田區之類的,搭船就絕對不是明智之選了。













After passing the customs checking, take your luggage. Walk out of the restricted area.





1. You will be in the Arrival Hall. Follow the sign (Transport to Mainland China).


HK to SZ




2. Go through the tunnel.




3. Go down stairs. If you don’t want to take escalator, there is an elevator on your right hand side.




4. After you go down stairs you go straight, go through the tunnel and turn left.




5. You will see a lot of ticket booth, please go to the second section: Mainland Limousine & Travel Services. Go to the counter of Eternal East. The staff standing in front of the counters will ask you where you would like to go, make sure she works for Eternal East 永東旅行社 before tell her your destination.





6. After you tell her your destination, she will you give you a sticker to put on your cloth, or she will put the sticker on your cloth right away. The sticker should be on your left chest. If you are going to Huanggang ort(Customs), you will get a yellow sticker, if you are going to the other place, you will get a sticker in a different colour.




買到票,付完帳後:     After you pay for the ticket:



7. The ticket agent will show you to stay in the waiting area which is closer to the van park. (in the same hall) The staff in the waiting area will call you when the van to your destination is coming (They recognize your destination by the sticker on your cloth). While you are sitting in the waiting area, don’t pack up your ticket, and don’t put your passport into luggage, you will need the ticket to get into the van, and later passport for the border/customs check (without getting off the van). The space in the van is quite small, if possible, put the less valuable belongings into your luggage to make your journey more comfortable.



8. When the staff calls you to get out of the hall to wait at the parking lot, he/she will ask you to present your ticket. Like your air ticket boarding pass, he/she will tear one half away and give you back the other half of the ticket.



9. After the van comes, the staff will take your luggage/you give the luggage to the staff/driver, he/she will put them in the back of the van, you can now get into the van.



10. Before the van leaves the airport, or approaches the border/customs (depends on the driver), the driver will gather all passengers’ passports for customs check. Give your passport to him. Have some rest on the way.



11. Around 30/40 mins later, you will arrive at the border of HK. All vans need to queue up for customs checking, you need to stay in the van. When your van arrives the customs check point, the driver will open the door to let the officer see your face (nobody need to get off the van at this point). All you need to do is to look at the officer and answer & show your face when he/she calls your name. The officer will check if you are the same person as your passport.



12. When the officer finishes checking everyone’s ID, the driver will close the door and drive away from the check point, you don’t need to get out of the van during the whole cross-HK-border process. You will need to get out only if the customs wants to recheck the luggage in your van. In this case, they will let the driver drive the van to a place has X-Ray checking system, then the officer will ask everyone to get off and take their own luggage to the X-Ray checking point.




◎前往龍華:     To Longhua District:


1. After passing HK Customs, the driver will drive a bit, and there will be the other customs, Customs of China. Same as when passing the HK customs, you don’t have to get off the van, the driver will open the door for the officer to check.



2. After passing China customs, the driver will drive out the border area, to a mall called KingKeyBanner (around 10 mins drive) When arrive at the mall, the driver will ask everyone to get off the van and take all your belongings. There will be some staffs waiting in front of the mall, they will check the sticker on your cloth to know your destination. The staff will take you to the other van right away or take you to the waiting area, it depends on the van to your destination has come or not. Normally you need to wait in the sitting area, sometime it can take up to 30 minutes. When the van comes, the staff will guide you to the van. The driver will ask your destination, let them know.



3. If there is someone else going to the same area as you do (get in the same van as you), the driver might take he/she to his/her destination before taking you to yours. Sometimes the driver will tell you which destination he/she is preparing to go first, sometimes won’t, ask he/she if you want to know.



◎前往皇崗:     TO Huanggang Port:


1. After passing HK customs, the driver will drive a bit, and there will be the other customs, customs of China(Huanggang Port). This time, the driver will park the van in front of the customs building, and everyone needs to get out of the van. Remember to take all your belongings, because you will not go back to that van again. Then you need to take your belongings and get into the customs building, queue for custom checking.



2. After passing China customs, follow the sign to get out of the building. You will see a cross-over bridge on your left hand side. You could use the stairs to get on the bridge and cross, but if you got large luggage, I would advise you to walk a bit further to the other side of the stairs to use the escalator.



3. When get on the cross-over bridge, you can see many exits on the bridge, take the one that has TAXI sign on it, exit and go downstairs.



上天橋的電扶梯    The escalator of the cross-over bridge.



天橋上的景象    View on the cross-over bridge 



4. Queue for the taxi, and tell the driver your destination.




相關文章: 從香港市區前往中國內地的方法 How to get into Mainland China from Hong Kong CBD


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